Not much to report at this time
Hello BEATLE PEOPLE. At this time there’s not much to report in reference to our calendar of shows for 2020. It’s for sure we won’t be doing the concert at the CENTER MORICHES LIBRARY April 26th. We’ve asked the venue to reschedule the date later in the year. No word on that yet. We will probably have to move the May 9th BEATLE BIRTHDAY BASH at BARNUM BALLROOM to a date later in the year as well. As painful and annoying as these circumstances are, we ask that everyone use good sense and avoid contact with other people as much as possible. When out and about wear a mask and maintain the 6 foot rule. When you arrive home use hand sanitizer and clean your phone, computer or other work surfaces with alcohol. And just stay home! As George said “All Things Must Pass”, and we are confident this will too. As soon as the curve flattens sufficiently, and as soon as adequate testing is underway, we will be able to return to a more normal and comfortable societal interaction with friends, family and entertainment. Check back from time to time. As soon as we have any pertinent info we will post it here. Take care, Stay safe. Stay home. We’ll see you all soon.